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14+ Free Birth Certificate Templates

A legal document that records a birth of child is known as birth certificate and our birth certificate template can help you a lot to create one with no trouble. Birth registration is vital to keep track of all births within the particular territory, state or country and birth certificate is written proof of successful birth registration in the record of Govt. The certificate indicates basic details and info about the birth of new child such as name of the baby, date of birth, place of birth, names of parents, religion and name of the person who is recording the details etc. At this page you can find multiple free birth certificate templates.

More about birth certificate templates:

After the birth of child, medical center or hospital usually sends original record of the birth to authorities or local government for birth registration and then the certificate of birth is issued to parents as legal evidence of birth registration. It is the basic and most important document that one may need to show when it comes to prepare a national ID card, passport or any other legal document from government department. It is also required when a person want to get financial benefits and aid offered by the local government or authorities.

An academic institute or school may ask you to attach birth certificate with admission application when you want to get admission for your child to start education. It is one of the most important personal documents but most of people design such certificate to announce the birth of new child in fun way. They make personalized certificates of birth and distribute among family members, friends and other special persons to let them know about the new born baby. This birth certificate template can be used to design great and good looking birth certificates with custom appearance. These birth certificate templates are useful.

Downloadable Birth Certificate Templates And Formats

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